You cannot, for example, take a dump file from Linux over to a Windows server. If you use this switch to create a backup then you can only restore the backup on a similar platform. This switch turns off the -t switch (which is on by default) and causes the dump file to be created using platform dependent formats. It should not be used for normal backups and only used, like the -ig switch to attempt to recover from a failure. This switch forces the backup to ignore data from such broken transactions. If you have a two-phase transaction (across two different databases) that failed because a server died before the commit, but after the changes were made, you have a limbo transaction. There is no guarantee that the data will be usable though, so it is best to take other precautions to preserve your data. This can be used to attempt to backup a database that failed due to checksum errors. This switch causes gbak to ignore bad checksums in the database. Using this switch prevents garbage collection from running during the course of the backup. Normally gbak connects to the database as any other connection would and garbage collection runs normally. The use of this switch prevents Firebird’s garbage collection from taking place while gbak is running. If backing up to a physical tape device, this switch lets you specify the tape’s blocking factor. This switch prevents that compression from taking place. Normally, gbak will compress the output file. When this dump file is used to restore a database, the tables that were external in the original database will no longer be external. This switch causes any tables, defined as external, to be backed up as if they were normal (non-external) tables. This switch is used whenever you wish to take a backup of a database. M(ETA_DATA) backup or restore metadata only
FE(TCH_PASSWORD) fetch password from file USE_(ALL_SPACE) do not reserve space for record versions O(NE_AT_A_TIME) restore one table at a time N(O_VALIDITY) do not restore database validity conditions MO(DE) "read_only" or "read_write" access I(NACTIVE) deactivate indexes during restore FIX_FSS_M(ETADATA) fix malformed UNICODE_FSS metadata FIX_FSS_D(ATA) fix malformed UNICODE_FSS data T(RANSPORTABLE) transportable backup - data in XDR format OL(D_DESCRIPTIONS) save old style metadata descriptions NOD(BTRIGGERS) do not run database triggers G(ARBAGE_COLLECT) inhibit garbage collection CO(NVERT) backup external files as tables REP(LACE_DATABASE) replace database from backup file (restore) R(ECREATE_DATABASE) create (or replace if OVERWRITE used) C(REATE_DATABASE) create database from backup file (restore) B(ACKUP_DATABASE) backup database to file Y redirect/suppress status message output USE_ do not reserve space for record versions T transportable backup - data in XDR format N do not restore database validity conditions G[ARBAGE_COLLECT) inhibit garbage collection This need not be supplied if ISC_USER environment variable exists and has a correct value for the username. U Īllows the username of the SYSDBA or database owner user to be specified if the database is to be backed up, or, in the case of a restore (with the -c switch specified), any valid username can be specified. Not of much practical use and is not normally used in practice. RO Īllows the specification of the role to be used by the connecting user. This need not be supplied if ISC_PASSWORD environment variable exists and has the correct value. Supplies the password for the username specified above.

This switch can be used when creating database clones which are required to contain only the tables, indices etc but none of the data. When used in a restore, any data in the dump file will not be restored. In a backup, only the database meta data are backed up. This switch causes your data to be ignored and not backed up or restored. Backup & Restore With & Without Shadow Files. Create a Database Clone Without a Dump File.