
Moneywiz 2
Moneywiz 2


MoneyWiz connects to over 40,000 banks in over 50 countries around the world, via four different data providers, to download and categorize new transactions automatically. MoneyWiz supports twenty languages and is said to comply with the financial system in the countries where the official language is one of the supported ones.

moneywiz 2

The application also has its own syncing platform, referred to as "SYNCbits", which syncs a user's information to any device in which the app is installed. It has the ability to schedule payments and can also create reports based on the information inputted by the user. MoneyWiz tracks income and expenses, and allows users to set and track budgets. MoneyWiz has been named the Best Finance App out of the Top 500 Must Have Apps by The Telegraph. MoneyWiz was developed by SilverWiz, and is a personal finance app outside of the United States. SilverWiz has released version 2.5 of MoneyWiz, the personal finance app that received good notices in our roundup in early 2016 (see Your Favorite Mac Personal Finance Apps, 29 February 2016). MoneyWiz is a money management application that runs on Microsoft Windows, Google Android, and Apple platforms, including iOS and macOS. Hint! If you tap/click any of your accounts, you will see its transactions list.English, Chinese, Russian, Portuguese, Spanish, Japanese, Korean, Italian, French, Polish, German, Swedish, Czech, Romanian, Indonesian, Ukrainian, Hungarian, Catalan, Dutch, Turkish, Bulgarian. You can sort the accounts alphabetically or according to your desire.

  • On the Balance screen tap «Edit» in the right upper corner.
  • The new appeared screen structures the accounts by classes: Payment Accounts, Credit cards, Other Assets, Other Liabilities. MoneyWiz 2 Personal Finance Description: Disentangle your monetary existence with MoneyWiz.

    Platform For Display: PC Online Code Change. Expect delays in regards to new features Our top engineer Pavel, without whom MoneyWiz wouldn't even exist, lives in Ukraine with his children and family in a city that is under siege, with scarce resources for basic survival, and constant blackouts and internet outages. There is an icon of three stripes to the right of each account. MoneyWiz 2 - Personal Finance for Windows Online Code by SILVERWIZ LLC.

    moneywiz 2

    It can be called an account mobility icon.

  • Tap and drag the three stripes icon of the needed account to the right place in the list of your accounts.
  • Repeat this operation with other accounts as well.
  • Please note that you can change the order of the accounts only within a particular class (Payment Accounts, Credit Cards, etc.).


    Online Banking (requires subscription GOLD) Once you make the right order on your iOS device you’ll be able to transfer it to the Mac version by syncing. Download MoneyWiz for Windows PC: If you've purchased MoneyWiz for Windows via our website, you can re-download it using the following links: MoneyWiz 2 MoneyWiz 3 Remember that you'll need your original MoneyWiz activation code in order to activate it.


    Online-Banking allows connecting Money Pro to your bank to sync your transactions which will significantly reduce your manual entries. Open the Balance tab, tap/click “Edit” > “Add” > “Online Banking”. The app will offer you to register a Money Pro Account (if you haven’t done so yet) and activate Money Pro GOLD subscription which provides Online-Banking service.

    moneywiz 2

    If you want to connect Online-Banking to an account that already exists in the app tap/click “Edit”, select the account and tap/click “Connect Bank Account”.Īre your banks on the list of the supported banks in Money Pro? Most probably, yes.

    Moneywiz 2